Monday 20 August 2012

Practice Video

Here is a video me, Katie and Barry made just before the summer holidays, this video is taken from the song "She Don't Want Nobody Here" by Counting Crows, when Katie reccomended the song the beginning instantly I asserted with empty halls and scenes of a school, due to the isolation hint of the title I felt that the video should at the beginning be a few scenes of empty buildings and hallways which would then gradually begin to show a person isolated within the building, since the song is about  girl it therefore subjugated that a girl would have to be the lone memberthe building, since me and Barry do not qualify for this then Katie was the one who had to be the girl. The live performance was done by me, I feel as though this is a good first start for us, some aspects of the mise en scene is not very well matched with the song such as the clothes of the people, however this is a minor nitpick, the overall synchronisation of the lyrics I felt was acheived very well, many who have seen the video including friends and family have complimented the synchronisation. Also the narrative is very simple yet effective, one shot imparticular where the girl is walking in the a room is edited vastly to highlight the white lockers but also the black doors to indicate mixed feelings and emotions of the girl, the shot makes it look like she is walking into the light and happiness but because of the dark area around her she is still stuck with some dark emotions or at least a dark past. It was admitedley Katie's idea to include a time-lapse type shot (of which can be seen in numerous Linkin Park videos such as Numb), I was skeptical as to how this shot would be achieved at first however overall I feel it has been done to an overly satisfied standpoint, I am very happy with the shot and I think it helps indicate a similar emotion of isolation towards the female character as the Numb video did (see Numb article down below). I think this was overall a very good preview of what we can acheive and with proper planning and communication as well as an effective song which links towards the themes of rock musc I feel we can make a video which excells our expectations.

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