Sunday 17 February 2013

Final Video - Here is a link to the final cut of our video project for All The Small Things

1 comment:

  1. I have had a look through your group's video and it's very effective music video for the alt rock genre.

    It quite nicely captures the common conventions and themes that are usually seen in such videos of that genre. As the overall narrative perfectly captures the stereotypical view of teenagers that is the main focus of the genre like mentioned in your research with Linkin Park, Sum 41 etc.

    We see the sort of "casualness" it comes to such topics of drug use, drinking and sex that is at the more extreme end of the stereotype and is likely the point as you have mentioned that this particular genre intends to focus on this part of their teenage audience and give them something to let out their feelings through music, rather then the reality expressed in your video (which I think is the aim of alt rock).

    The editing and shots are also nicely combined to help give the appearance of an actual music video as when I was watching it, I felt like I was watching a genuine one.

    The quick cuts between narrative and performance which is composed of many different angled shots help give this upbeat feel to the song, while contrasted with the more drained look to the narrative which strongly represents the lonely and isolated nature of your character which is likely a representative of the whole teenage group. It creates a nice contrast between the two and gives a greater effect of the more upbeat sounding song to the lonely, drained and tired character until he meets a "kindred spirit" as it were.

    Its overall, nicely composed and thought out as there is not too much of the performance or the narrative so creates a nice balance, even though personally, may have liked a little more narrative but that's just me nitpicking as while the short flashes of narrative are an example of nice editing, it can be seen as painting a very negative and extreme view of teenagers since we see all the drug use, drinking etc. but no redeeming qualities to the teenage representatives. (Very Linkin Park with all the angst and wanting to rebel against the world)

    In general, it was a very enjoyable video to watch and can easily be seen that a lot of thought went into it. The last shot where the band stand still and don't know what to do was easily my favourite part with the tongue in cheek nature to it. Very Sum 41 to me.

    So please share this comment around the other blogs if don't get a chance to post it again so all your group can see what was said. Good luck with the evaluation part.
