Thursday 18 October 2012

My Vision Of The Video

The vision I have of the video will be similar to both Sean and Katie's vision in the sense that it will obviously consist of a narrative cross cut with a live performance, my vision is still just a possibility and I am planning on taking into considerartion both Katie and Sean's ideas which means it is likely that parts of this vision will change. For me, the narrative will focus on an young isolated girl and boy who gradually meet and enter into a relationship by the end of the video, in order to conform to the typical conventions of the genre I.E. appealing to teenagers I think that a school should feature within the video at some point, I would have the school shown at the beginning of the video, with the girl and boy in the same class, they will sit on opposite sides of the room with no one around them to emphasize their isolation, I have a conflicting view that the narrative should be in black and white, in terms of the tone of isolation black and white would indicate this very clearly and add drama to the narrative, however I acknowledge that this will cause the tone to differ vastly from that of the video and may seem unnecessary as black and white contrast would suggest the narrative is very dark when in actuality the narrative is fairly light-hearted.

I feel as though the girl should be the main focus due to the fact that I think the song All The Small Things appeals more to a female audience, the way to do this would be to show her within more shots throughout the video, I feel as though she will need to wear dark clothing to symbolise her isolation, this would consist of black or dark blue jeans and a black jacket or perhaps a band shirt, I would also have the boy wearing roughly similar clothes in order to show a similarity between the two before they have met. I would begin the video with establishing shots of areas from the live performance and the narrative with ambient sound originally as opposed to the music starting immediately, I feel this way because of some of the videos I have seen such as Crash - Fit For Rivals begins with sounds of equipment setting up and slight muttering in the background thus setting the tone of a light-hearted song. I would not have this for very long, merely a couple of seconds to indicate a slight light hearted nature. The song starts off very fast paced, in order to conform to the genre I would have extreme close up shots appearing for brief moments of the instruments as the song plays, quick editing of the multiple instruments playing, as the song progresses I would gradually allow the camera to effectively zoom out going from extreme close up shots, towards mid shots and then to long shots at the beginning of the video, this means the extreme close ups will focus on purely on the instruments then the mid shots will show the guitarist/drummer using their instrument and then the long shot would highlight the whole band. I would have the live performance shown until roughly the second line of the song "truth care, truth brings”, after this I would cut to a scene in the narrative where the girl is seen in a classroom looking frustrated, probably looking at a piece of paper on her desk with her hands in her head as though she is very irritated, I would cut back to a close up shot of the singer in the live performance for the line “always I know” then cut back for the next line “you’ll be at my show” and the rest of the verse in which I would show the boy on the other side of the classroom struggling to do his work and getting frustrated, I would show the boy to be slightly more aggressive possibly by hitting a table and mumbling to himself, then the girl (who would be in the background) turns her head as he turns his so they’re both looking at each other and smiling, they then turn their heads back to their work.

This then cuts back to the live performance for the line “say it ain’t so”. Afterward I have two concepts in my mind of what I would do, the first is to create a time lapse shot similar to the one me and Katie made in the Counting Crows sample video to show students walking from their class to another, the reason for this is because I think it could indicate that it is the end of the day within the school thereby leading onto the next scene in the narrative. The other idea is to simply have the girl walk out of the room and then follow her as she leaves which would then lead onto a scene where the girl and boy are walking down a street and cross each other in their paths. Either way once the girl exits the school or the time lapse shot is shown I would cut back again to the live performance for the “na na na” part and then once the verse “late night, come home” begins I would cut again back to the narrative showing the girl walking down a street in a similar shot to a dolly shot, then she accidently bumps into the guy walking across the same street and they start talking and smiling which then turns into them pushing each other playfully as though they are flirting. I think this would fit well here as it links into the line “work sucks, I know” as this would be something along the lines of which they’d be talking about, the boy may then lead the girl towards his house where they enter and start drinking alcohol and possibly taking drugs, the rest of the video would consist of them dancing like they’re at a huge party when in actuality it is just the two of them there. When the girl and boy take drugs and/or alcohol I would like to have some POV shots of them in the house with a blur affect and some possible superimpositions to reflect a hallucinogenic effect that the girl and boy are having. As the song starts to end I noticed it gradually slowed down, I feel as though the song should then end in the morning (as the “party” the two characters had would have spanned across the night) with the two characters lying on the floor asleep cradling each other. The final shot I would have would be the band with them strumming the final chords of the song as the cameras zooms out from afar and then gradually fades to black.

1 comment:

  1. It would help if you could post sketches, images, screengrabs or appropriate clips which might support your ideas about your video. Remember - you should aim to use the full capability of the blog. Also, I think you should make sure that you are checking/ commenting on Katie and Sean's blogs in order to make sure you are up to speed with their thinking. Remember - all the planning should be locked by the end of the week; you should really be into production ASAP.
