Tuesday 6 November 2012

Delegating Roles

We have decided that as a group we mqay function better and more efficiently if we are each delegated roles, these include director, producer, production designer, editor and DoP. After consoldating we feel as though inducing a specific onto the director would be slightly pointless considering that we would all appear in the live performance so we have delegated this so that me, Katie and Sean will all be considered directors, this is the same for editor as well, the DoP will be Katie since she has recently had extra experience working with Northern Stars Academy which makes her more suitable to be the DoP. The producer of the video would be Sean based on the fact that he will have the ability to acquire all the props I.E the guitars and drum kit. The production of design would be me since I am the one who thought of the idea of using the floodlights within the tennis court, plus my house is a notable location that can be used for the parts of the narrative sequence and I personally created the storyboard of the piece, plus I have came up with ideas such as using the time lapse shot in the school (which was initially introduced by Katie and me in the practice video).

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