Friday 16 November 2012

Permission for the floodlights

At lunch time on 16th November I managed to search for the site manager again and asked permission to have the flood lights on from 4:30pm (presuming this is when the weather would start to get dark). He promptly agreed and stated that they should be on till around 6:00pm tonight, this means we will have approximately an hour and a half to film, this is not fully ideal since we are unsure exactly how long filming will take and we will be unsure when the appropriate time will be to film since the weather will not get fully dark until around 5:30pm. However we are still grateful that the site manager has verbally agreed to have the lights on which means we will have the ability to film. Now the only question is whether the lights will actually be on. If they aren't switched on for any reason then we will have to either reschudule the live performance filming for another time next week or we can try and use the organised time we've aranged for filming tomorrow and film the live performance in the day. This would still conform to the iconography (being the same place) however the atmosphere will not be as prevelant, therefore it is vitally important that filming happens tonight and there are no issues, however if issues do occur then we will still have these options.


  1. It would be useful to know how it went, since this was obviously a fairly pivotal aspect of your project. Some footage would be interesting to see also.

  2. The footage would demonstrate clearly the germ of the idea you have for your video as well as a general understanding of what you are trying to achieve (plus the fact that it worked!)
